You Need Some Me Time!
It is!
It’s time to stop dragging yourself around, feeling exhausted, tired, achy, brain fogged, anxious, and stressed.
Forget about the gym membership you don’t have time to use, the kale/quinoa/artichoke smoothie you’ll never drink, and the beauty advice designed for supermodels, not real women.
It’s time for “Me Time.”
If you’re like most women, you spend most of your time doing things for everyone else. You’re taking care of a spouse or partner, aging parents, children, grandkids, and friends.
And, you are the designated go-to person, right? The one they always ask to take on the extra work or manage the project — at your job, your place of worship, your children’s school, your neighborhood association, or your volunteer group. And it’s so hard to say no, isn’t it? So you don’t.
You promise yourself that you will make time to get some exercise, or more sleep. You’ll try out some healthy new recipes and cook more regularly. You’ll learn how to meditate. You’ll figure out if the growing Buddha-belly and hair falling out have to with your hormones. You’ll get a great new haircut.
Someday, when you have time?
Sound familiar?
When are you going to put yourself on the “To-Do” list?
You start, by making time for yourself and joining us for the “Me Time Wellness Weekend!
The MeTime Wellness Weekend is a unique weekend — and it’s much more than a workshop. It’s a lifestyle reboot, a chance to recharge your physical, mental and energetic battery, a fun, revitalizing way to fast-forward yourself to better health and energy, and a chance to connect with other women and wellness advocates for some of the best “Me Time” ever.
The Me Time Wellness Weekend is a chance to learn from leading wellness experts how to:
- lose inches, strengthen joints and muscles, raise metabolism, eliminate toxins, and balance hormones with movement that really works, both inside and out
- identify the signs and symptoms of hormone imbalances, and then, how to incorporate the right doctors, experts, treatments and lifestyle changes to get those hormones back on track
- eat healthy, energizing, nutritious — but most important — delicious food, without spending hours in the kitchen, or ever going near a leaf of kale
- use natural, integrative and side-effect free approaches to conquer depression, anxiety, ADHD, perimenopause/menopause, adrenal issues and weight gain
- use the power of breathwork for energy, relaxation, stress reduction, detoxification, and happiness
- use simple guided meditations to get your body and mind speaking the same language, helping you achieve peace, healing, gratitude and love
- look younger and thinner — and feel confident, sexy and glamorous — with simple changes to your hair and beauty regimen
The Video
Ok, grab a cup of tea, or put your feet up, take a deep relaxing breath, and take a minute to check out our short video that explains more about the Me Time Wellness Weekend!
Check out this short video explaining more about the Me Time Wellness Weekend!
Teresa Tapp – internationally-acclaimed fitness and movement guru, PBS star, and best-selling author of Fit and Fabulous in 15 Minutes, founder of the groundbreaking T-Tapp system of movement that helps you remove toxins, reduce inflammation, balance hormones, with fast, visible inch loss. T-Tapp is the rehabilitative workout that works from the inside out, isn’t adrenally exhausting, doesn’t require hours in the gym, and has fast results you can actually measure! During the weekend, we will have a number of gentle but very effective and energizing T-Tapp workout sessions, led by Teresa. Don’t be surprised when you lose a few inches — just in a weekend!! Learn more about Teresa now.
Mary Shomon – New York Times bestselling author of 12 books, including The Thyroid Diet Revolution, teacher, and thyroid and hormonal patient advocate. For two decades, Mary has been an outspoken advocate working for better care for people with thyroid challenges, autoimmune disease and hormone imbalances. Mary has been the Thyroid Expert at since 1997, and has been featured on Teresa Tapp’s popular PBS health programs. Mary has been featured in hundreds of national and international television, radio, magazine and newspaper interviews. During the MeTime Wellness Weekend, Mary will quickly fast-forward you up the learning curve so that your hormones are working FOR you, not against you. Find out more about Mary now.
Dr. Kevin Passero – Dr. Kevin Passero is one of the nation’s leading naturopathic physicians, with expertise in hormonal and neurochemical balance. His integrative approaches combine the best of natural medicine, diet, supplements, and conventional approaches to not only treat — but resolve — frustrating health issues like hypothyroidism, depression, anxiety, sleep problems, perimenopause, and more. He’s a non-stuffy Sherlock Holmes, a detective who wants to get solve the mystery of what is getting in the way of you feeling and living well. During the MeTime Wellness Weekend, Dr. Passero will teach you to best put together an effective plan to get your health, mood, sleep, and hormones under control and in balance. Read more about Dr. Passero now.
Lisa Moretti – Lisa Moretti is a certified integrative nutritionist, and a guru of all things food. But don’t let that scare you – Lisa is NOT going to tell you that you need to follow a diet of kale and seeds. She knows how busy people eat, and during the MeTime Wellness Weekend, Lisa will help you figure out how to eat healthy AND deliciously, without breaking the bank, owning your own organic farm, or spending hours a day making home-grown gluten-free bread! Explore more of Lisa’s story now.
Lauren Chelec Cafritz – Like many of us, Lauren knows what it’s like to live with the pressure, stress and anxiety of modern life. But instead of letting it control her, Lauren transformed this challenge into a mission: to learn, and then to teach others, how to use a full diaphragmatic breath to live a healthier, happier and less stressful life. Today, Lauren is one of the nation’s leading breathwork instructors, with certifications in both Integrative Breathing and Transformational Breath. Let Lauren show you how breathing fully can change your life. Experience Breath! Find out more about Lauren now.
Demo DiMartile – We are what we think. And often, what we think is not how we feel. And in the end, does the body even speak the same language? Guided meditation is like a translator, so that mind, body and soul all can speak the same language. This is not “sit on the floor in a lotus while your foot falls asleep” meditation. This is easy, practical, and life-changing. Demo will be conducting several guided meditation sessions during the MeTime Wellness Weekend. We guarantee you that you will come out of every session feeling relaxed, energized, and with new perspective! Dive into Demo’s background now.
Brent Hardgrave – Brent is the hair stylist and friend every girl wants in her life. An internationally-renowned stylist, Brent’s mission is to unleash the inner beauty of every woman. That goes for women with thinning hair or hair loss, women after menopause or cancer, and women with hormone-impaired hair. His message is not “live with it” — it’s, “we can make it fabulous!” His innovative dry-cutting techniques actually make you look thinner and younger, and he has pioneered fast, gentle techniques for hair extensions that can make even the thinnest hair look thick and luxurious — without damaging the hair you do have! At the MeTime Wellness Weekend, Brent will be doing a number of hair and beauty presentations, AND he will be taking appointments for his award-winning haircuts throughout the weekend. Learn more about Brent now.
1. It’s personal. During the MeTime Wellness Weekend, you will have an opportunity to meet, learn from, and interact with an amazing group of wellness experts in a personal setting. 2. This is not a big arena event. It’s a smaller group workshop where you will have an incredible, life-changing opportunity to personally meet and learn from experts in movement, fitness, hormonal health, nutrition, stress management, and mind-body health 3. At every session, you will learn practical things you can start doing right away to live and feel well, and look great! 4. No matter what your level of fitness, you will be able to participate in the workout sessions throughout the weekend. If you come to all the workouts, expect to lose several inches in just a weekend! 5. The fitness workouts were created by and will be led by the internationally-renowned fitness and movement expert Teresa Tapp, founder of T-Tapp. It’s the workout that works, from the inside out. 6. Tired? Gaining weight? Brain-fogged? Lost your sizzle? Best-selling author and advocate Mary Shomon will walk you through the signs and symptoms of hormonal imbalances, and tell you exactly what you need to do to get properly tested and treated! 7. If you still need that cup of joe, the Renaissance Hotel’s Espressamente coffee bar is there for your latte or cappuccino fix! 8. If you want to know how diet, hormones, brain chemistry, and lifestyle can all work together to not only return you to health, but keep you healthy, you will love Dr. Kevin Passero. As a naturopathic physician, he is the “Sherlock Holmes” of health, and will solve the mysteries of your health challenges. 9. Most of don’t breathe correctly. But did you know that even a few breaths, done right, can change your life, your energy level, lower stress hormones, and change your outlook. Breathwork guru Lauren Cafritz will show you how to use breathwork in your daily life to change your life. 10.How about losing 10 pounds on the spot? Did you know that the right haircut and style can make you look two sizes thinner, taller, and younger, on the spot? Internationally-renowned stylist and beauty expert Brent Hardgrave will show how it’s done. |
11. Meditation can have powerful effects on your health, hormones, mind, mood and heart. You may picture yourself needing to be in the lotus position on the floor, but not this weekend. Guided meditation sessions with holistic meditation expert Demo DiMartile will leave you relaxed and focused — and you’ll still be able to feel your feet! 12. The luxurious Renaissance Hotel has a heated pool, so bring your swimsuit, so you can take a relaxing dip during your free time. 13. During the weekend, enjoy the healthy and delicious food at our Hors D’ouevre party, buffet lunch, and buffet dinner. (You’ll even find vegetarian and gluten-free options to choose from!) 14. If you think eating healthy means hours in the kitchen, or food that tastes like cardboard, think again. Integrative nutritionist Lisa Moretti will help you craft a healthy new way of eating that you are going to love! 15. You will make lifelong friends…other women who, just like you, are passionate about learning how to carve out “Me Time” for themselves, while having fun! 16. Are you ready for a new hairstyle to go with the new you? Stylist Brent Hardgrave will be available to book privately for a cut and styling throughout the weekend. 17. The MeTime Wellness Weekend will change you. In the busy days afterwards, you will know how to fit in some “Me Time” — whether it’s a T-Tapp move you can do while at your desk, or a mini-breathing break while community, or a delicious new recipe, this is the Weekend that will keep on giving… 18. Taking some “Me Time” is one of the best ways to be your very best for the people you love. The MeTime Wellness Weekend will get you on the right track to finally put yourself on your priority to-do list! 19. The MeTime Wellness Weekend is a great opportunity for sisters or friends to come together, enjoy a weekend of camaraderie and “Me Time” and then when you go back home, reinforce each other’s commitment to making sure you have some “Me Time” every day! 20. The MeTime Wellness Weekend will change you life. We promise. |
1. What is the agenda for the MeTime Wellness Weekend?
Here is a quick look at the many presentations and activities included in your MeTime Wellness Weekend. Click here for a more detailed agenda.
P.S. Picture yourself, just a few days after you’ve joined us at the Me Time Wellness Weekend.
You wake up feeling more energetic and vital.
You realize you don’t need that third or fourth cup of coffee, because, hmmm, you don’t feel as tired.
You notice that your anxiety and depression took a back seat to relaxed, proactive and positive new feelings. After you take a deep, relaxing deep breath, you think, “I actually do feel like a new person.”
You discover that even after a weekend, your pants and skirts fit better, your stomach looks flatter, you are standing taller. You may even notice you’ve lost a few inches off your belly or waistline!
You realize that you’re not as tempted by fast-food drive-through, or processed foods, because now you know how to easily and quickly incorporate healthy, delicious food into your diet.
You decide to make an appointment to go back to your doctor, and finally ask for the RIGHT hormone tests and treatments, so you will end up feeling strong, energetic and healthy.
You realize that with information you’ve gained and simple new tools you’ve learned, you can work with your doctor to reduce your medications for depression, pain, anxiety, or cholesterol.
You actually have a list of things you can do — and you know how to do them — to incorporate some “Me Time” into even the busiest day. And you know that this will make you happier and healthier forever!