Meet The Presenters: The People at the MeTime Wellness Weekend Who Will Change Your Life!

Teresa-Tapp-HeadShot1-434x474Teresa Tapp – internationally-acclaimed fitness and movement guru, PBS star, and best-selling author of Fit and Fabulous in 15 Minutes, founder of the groundbreaking T-Tapp system of movement that helps you remove toxins, reduce inflammation, balance hormones, with fast, visible inch loss. T-Tapp is the rehabilitative workout that works from the inside out, isn’t adrenally exhausting, doesn’t require hours in the gym, and has fast results you can actually measure! During the weekend, we will have a number of gentle but very effective and energizing T-Tapp workout sessions, led by Teresa. Don’t be surprised when you lose a few inches — just in a weekend!! Learn more about Teresa now.


mary-2-245x300Mary ShomonNew York Times bestselling author of 12 books, including The Thyroid Diet Revolution, teacher, and thyroid and hormonal patient advocate. For two decades, Mary has been an outspoken advocate working for better care for people with thyroid challenges, autoimmune disease and hormone imbalances. Mary has been the Thyroid Expert at since 1997, and has been featured on Teresa Tapp’s popular PBS health programs. Mary has been featured in hundreds of national and international television, radio, magazine and newspaper interviews. During the MeTime Wellness Weekend, Mary will quickly fast-forward you up the learning curve so that your hormones are working FOR you, not against you. Find out more about Mary  now.

Dr. Kevin Passero – Dr. Kevin Passero is one of the nation’s leading naturopathic physicians, with expertise in hormonal and neurochemical balance. His integrative approaches combine the best of natural medicine, diet, supplements, and conventional approaches to not only treat — but resolve — frustrating health issues like hypothyroidism, depression, anxiety, sleep problems, perimenopause, and more. He’s a non-stuffy Sherlock Holmes, a detective who wants to get solve the mystery of what is getting in the way of you feeling and living well.  During the MeTime Wellness Weekend, Dr. Passero will teach you to best put together an effective plan to get your health, mood, sleep, and hormones under control and in balance. Read more about Dr. Passero now.



Lisa Moretti – Lisa Moretti is a certified integrative nutritionist, and a guru of all things food. But don’t let that scare you – Lisa is NOT going to tell you that you need to follow a diet of kale and seeds. She knows how busy people eat, and during the MeTime Wellness Weekend, Lisa will help you figure out how to eat healthy AND deliciously, without breaking the bank, owning your own organic farm, or spending hours a day making home-grown gluten-free bread!  Explore more of Lisa’s story now.


Lauren Chelec Cafritz – Like many of us, Lauren knows what it’s like to live with the pressure, stress and anxiety of modern life. But instead of letting it control her, Lauren transformed this challenge into a mission: to learn, and then to teach others, how to use a full diaphragmatic breath to live a healthier, happier and less stressful life. Today, Lauren is one of the nation’s leading breathwork instructors, with certifications in both Integrative Breathing and Transformational Breath. Let Lauren show you how breathing fully can change your life.   Experience Breath!  Find out more about Lauren now.


Demo DiMartileDemo DiMartile – We are what we think. And often, what we think is not how we feel. And in the end, does the body even speak the same language? Guided meditation is like a translator, so that mind, body and soul all can speak the same language. This is not “sit on the floor in a lotus while your foot falls asleep” meditation. This is easy, practical, and life-changing. Demo will be conducting several guided meditation sessions during the MeTime Wellness Weekend. We guarantee you that you will come out of every session feeling relaxed, energized, and with new perspective! Dive into Demo’s background now.


brent3Brent Hardgrave – Brent is the hair stylist and friend every girl wants in her life.  An internationally-renowned stylist, Brent’s mission is to unleash the inner beauty of every woman. That goes for women with thinning hair or hair loss, women after menopause or cancer, and women with hormone-impaired hair. His message is not “live with it” — it’s, “we can make it fabulous!” His innovative dry-cutting techniques actually make you look thinner and younger, and he has pioneered fast, gentle techniques for hair extensions that can make even the thinnest hair look thick and luxurious — without damaging the hair you do have! At the MeTime Wellness Weekend, Brent will be doing a number of hair and beauty presentations, AND he will be taking appointments for his award-winning haircuts throughout the weekend. Learn more about Brent now.


Dawn McKay Professional PixMichael McKay Professional PixDawn McKay, CZB, LMT, MS-SLP and Michael J. McKay, L.M.T, CZB are the co-founders of Gravity Pal, low-angle inversion tables designed to release tension and stress, and help with body pain. Dawn is a licensed massage therapist and certified integrative bodywork therapist, who started her therapeutic path as a speech-language therapist. Michael is a retired entrepreneur, licensed massage therapist and certified integrative bodywork therapist, whose interest in inversion therapy and wellness stemmed from his own wellness journey. Read more about Dawn and Michael McKay now.